Daily grind

Does today feel like a grind—an endless cycle of work, chores and obligations—only to repeat again tomorrow? How can we freshen things up when life feels dull?

One thing to try: be curious.

Spend a few quiet moments and check in: what’s going on? If you don’t feel alive, you must have some idea of how feeling alive looks like. What’s missing? Is it rest, attention, or connection with others? Or is it joy, freedom, or a sense of purpose?

Whatever comes to mind is okay. Give it space. Acknowledge it. There’s no right or wrong answer. That’s simply where things stand.

Then ask: what’s one small thing you can experiment today?

Pick up an old hobby, do a kind thing for a friend, or have that conversation you’ve avoided for months? Read a good book, go for a vigorous run, or sit in a church when no one is there? Seek advice, accept a new challenge, or say no to a commitment because you are simply too exhausted?

This is not an easy question. The path forward requires us to change, to do what our mind resists, and to keep trying.

But as poet Robert Frost said, “The best way out is always through.” To have a breakthrough, you must first choose to be willing to break through.

Even if asking these questions is difficult, it’s worth a try. After all, what’s more important than your happiness?