Facing a crisis

When a crisis happens—and it does—a sound first step is to be still.

Pause. Breathe. Acknowledge the emotions: fear, shock, dread, sorrow, or anger. Be compassionate with yourself, but don’t let the emotions take over. They are not the priority. Your response is.

When the stakes are high, clarity is critical. If you remain calm, you see more. You can evaluate your options.

There will be an urge to just do something. Anything. When emotions are high, the first idea is unwise. Hasty decisions will make things worse.

Ask instead: what facts don’t I have yet? What are my options? What are the hidden opportunities? Where can I get advice? Who can help?

What does my gut say? How about the mind? Which one makes more sense?

Which path am I called to take?

Always take a few moments. More if you need to. Your decision matters. Take the time.

However, stillness is not paralysis. You can’t freeze and do nothing forever. Uncertainties always remain. All options are imperfect.

When the time comes, choose the best option, respond with courage, and be open to whatever comes next.

You have done your part. The outcome is out of your hands.

There should be no regrets.