On Morning

Morning is an important time of the day. It sets the tone for how the rest of your day goes.

I used to think that I am not a morning person. For most of my life, I slept until the very last minute before rushing out the door to school or office. Some days were memorably bad: I stayed in bed for too long, skipped breakfast, couldn’t find my keys, ran late, and drove like a mad man.

Morning used to be a struggle.   

How I View My Morning Now

Now, I wake up a couple of hours early to enjoy peace and quiet. When I wake up early, I get to experience the transition from darkness to light. It gives me a sense of serenity, hope, and peace. My mind is present. My thinking is clear. My focus is sharp.

The first couple of hours of the day is a sacred time that I protect dearly for my most important activities. I have a morning routine. I do a light workout, meditate/pray, and write. These three things are the most important things to me right now.

By deciding a set routine ahead of time, it frees me from having to decide what to do first thing in the morning. That makes it easy to automatically choose to do what matters most to my body, mind, and soul every morning.

While my routine has evolved over time and will continue to change, the underlying commitment is the same: create time in the morning to do what matters most.

Every morning is an opportunity. When we sleep, we die a little. When we wake, we resurrect with a fresh start. Everything that happened is in the past. Now we receive a gift of a new beginning. What are we going to do with it?