It’s easy to forget

If you ask me how my week was:

Actually, that wasn’t quite right. Here’s a more accurate version.

I was under the weather most of this week. I was fatigued. My stomach felt weird. I did a covid test at home, and it was negative, so I don’t know what it is.

I went to bed early on Monday.

I remained in the same position long after sunrise the next day.

I can’t think of the last time I slept for more than 10 hours!

I was going to run an errand. I started my car, and something felt wrong right away: the whole car was shaking!

I got out of the car and saw this.

While this week was far from fabulous, it reminded me of one thing:

How wonderful “normal” is.

To wake up feeling healthy. To have the energy to do what I want to do. To have an appetite. To go to the bathroom at a regular frequency. To drive a car with all the tires working.

It’s easy to forget how great the simple things are.

“Don’t it always seem to go, that you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.” — Joni Mitchell