How to Choose Between Two Options

Every now and then, you stand at a cross road. You face a consequential choice. You feel the weight on your shoulder. You think this decision matters. You imagine how this turning point may alter your life’s trajectory forever.

Should you continue what you are doing or charter into completely unfamiliar territory? Should you stay in this city or relocate to a new country? Should you keep working or return to school? Should you go further in your current relationship or move on?

These choices always come down to this: Do you choose the pain and certainty that you are familiar with, or do you go with risks and ambiguity that brings a new future with unknown rewards?

The answer is not clear cut. You can assess various aspects of the decision, weigh the pros and cons of various area, or even assign ratings to each. But at the end, decision making is not baed on math alone. Three more pros do not automatically make an option a clear choice.

If you are agonizing over a decision, here are a few questions that may help you gain new perspectives.

  • If you start fresh, what will you choose? Forget about where you are and where you have come from. Start with a blank slate, unencumbered. If you were to start over, which way would you go?
  • If your friend comes to you with this exact situation, what will your advice be? You know your friend’s concerns and preferences. What counsel will you offer?
  • What will yourself 30 years from now say about this situation? Would your future self suggest you to stay put or go on a new journey? Does this choice matter as much as you thought?
  • What choice speaks to your heart? Which option offers a rarer opportunity? Does one call to you more? What does your gut say?
  • What choice requires more courage? Fortune favors the bold. Is this a time to take a leap of faith? Are you ready for it even though it may look scary? Can your life support the risks now?
  • What is the worst case scenario? What do you have to lose if it doesn’t work out? Write down the potential outcomes. Can you accept them?

The truth is we don’t know what will happen. No one does. The choice you make will likely turn out in ways you didn’t expect. That’s just how life is: it’s an adventure full of unknowns. Ultimately you will make a decision, and that decision is what you choose. Either way, you will turn out okay.