Every Act Is Seeing

You wake. Your eyes open. It’s a new day.

What will you see today?

When you get changed, you see the clothes that bring you comfort and keep you warm. You see how beautiful the colors in your wardrobe are. Maybe it’s time to wear that red shirt today.

When you take a shower, you see how water cleanses your body and awakens your senses. You realize how refreshing it feels to be renewed.

When you have breakfast, you see how wonderful it is to have food in the belly. The cup of a tea is a pleasurable bonus.

When you are stuck in traffic, you see all the drivers on the road. Everyone has dreams, loves ones they want to care for, and demons that they need to deal with.

When you work, you see how you can help solve some problems in the world with your skills, knowledge, and compassion. That gives you a sense of purpose and meaning.

When you create art with your heart, you see the physical world and the imaginary world in your head. You translate your vision into writing, drawings, and paintings. That brings you fulfillment.

When you listen to another person, you see her joy and suffering. You understand where she comes from. You know you presence is more important than any word you can utter with your mouth.

When you hear music, you see the emotions of the musicians, their gifts to the world. It uplifts you.

When you watch a child play, you see the sheer bliss of discovery without an agenda. It gives you hope.

When you meditate, you see how each breath gives you life. You experience the delight to dwell in the present moment. You see even when your eyes are closed.

When you pray, you see God in your life. How you are loved unconditionally even though the rest of the world tells you that you need to be a certain way or buy certain things to fix your brokenness. You don’t need to.

When you share what you have, you see that we are brothers and sisters. That the world is a common home. That we are all connected.

When you love, you see the call to offer yourself. Despite pain and discomfort, you see the joy that only suffering and sacrifice can bring.

What do you choose to see?