Fix The Minor Issues Now

The other day I knocked over my cup while working from home. Water spilled all over the desk, the wall, and the power strip on the floor.

It was lunchtime, and my mind was occupied with heating my meal. Annoyed, I grabbed a towel, halfheartedly wiped down the areas that looked wet, and headed to the kitchen for lunch.

I resumed working in the afternoon and forgot about the whole thing.

When I returned to the desk the following day, there was a burning smell. My laptop charger was overheating. The router stopped working. The Internet was down. A few cables turned brown and black at the tip.

Water had entered the power strip–how foolish was I not to wipe everything dry! A problem that could have been resolved in a few minutes became a big headache.

Fix the minor issues now before they fester. If you wait, they will cost you way more down the road.