One thing that’s fascinating is that execs at tech companies like Facebook, Google, and Pinterest all put screen time limit on their own kids. These companies are basically in selling their products that are meant to capture people’s attention, or as they call it, “engagement,” and then monetizing it to the highest bidders. Yet they refrain their kids from the same exposure, because they are very well aware of the addictive quality of their own product, that overexposure will cause significant developmental harm to their own kids. In some way, it’s like social medial companies know that they are selling virtual “fast food.” If you have fast food a couple of times a year, it’s not that big of a deal, but if you consume fast food every day, it’s going to reshape your body and mind for the worse. You will be addicted to the salt and the fat, rendering all other food less appealing. You will be used to the instant and constant availability instead of appreciating that there’s a season to everything–not everything can be available right away, or should they be.
It’s far better to observe people’s behaviors rather than paying attention to what they say. Actions reveal their real values.