Last updated: Nov 10, 2022
This collection includes my all-time favorite books. How do I know these are my favorites? I have at least gone back to them multiple times to look up my favorite stories and quotes.
Highlighted are my top favorites. Many of these have changed my life in a meaningful way.
I refresh this list from time to time.
- The Book of Joy, Dalai Lama & Desmond Tutu & Douglas Abrams
- Awareness, Anthony De Mello
- You Are the Beloved, Henri Nouman
- Think Like a Monk, Jay Shetty
- Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind, Shunryū Suzuki
- The Bible (e.g. the Gospels, Book of Wisdom, Corinthians)
Life Lessons & Growth
- Designing Your Life, Bill Burnett & Dave Evans
- How Will You Measure Your Life, Clayton M. Christensen
- The Crossroads of Should and Must, Luna
- From Strength to Strength, Arthur Brooks
- The Daily Stoic, Ryan Holiday
- The Art of Non-Conformity, Chris Guillebeau
- Body of Work, Pamela Slim
- The Second Mountain, David Brooks
Focus, Concentration & Habit Formation
- Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less, Greg McKeown
- Effortless, Greg McKeown
- Atomic Habits, James Clear
- Deep Work, Cal Newport
- Love People Use Things, Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus
- The One Thing, Keller Papasan
- The Power of Habits, Charles Duhigg
Psychology & Mindset
- Wanting: The Power of Mimetic Desire in Everyday life, Luke Burgis
- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, Susan Cain
- The Gift, Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- Stillness Is the Key, Ryan Holiday
- Decisive, Chip Heath & Dan Heath
- The Psychology of Money, Morgan Housel
- How to Win Friends & Influence People, Dale Carnegie
- Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, Daniel Goleman
- The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
- Ego Is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday
- Boundaries, Henry Cloud & John Townsend
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us, Daniel H. Pink
- When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, Daniel H. Pink
Writing & Creativity
- Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative, Austin Kleon
- Keep Going: 10 Ways to Stay Creative in Good Times and Bad, Austin Kleon
- Bird by Bird, Anne Lamott
- Stein On Writing, Sol Stein
- The Choice, Dr. Edith Eva Eger
- Man’s Search for Meaning, Viktor Frankl
- The Happiest Man on Earth: The Beautiful Life of an Auschwitz Survivor, Eddie Jaku (1-minute review)
- Becoming, Michelle Obama