Category: Articles

  • A Habit Changed My Life

    I want to share with you a practice that has transformed my life. I have been doing it for more than two years. It makes me happier. It helps me make sense of a bad day. It gives me a sense of clarity. This practice is a five-minute daily review. The method is inspired by…

  • Commit to the Most Important Project

    Is there a project you’ve been trying to start for months? Perhaps you want to find a new job, pursue a new certification, or get your finances in order. Maybe you want to journal, learn a new skill, or declutter your home. Finding the focus for a new project is challenging. It’s easy to get…

  • Rituals: Create Meaningful Time For What Matters

    Most of us want to spend time what matters. The challenge is most of us leads a busy life. When much is going on everyday, it’s easy to get distracted. We end up unconsciously diverting our attention to the things that don’t serve us. How can we dedicate more time to the activities that help…

  • How to Spend More Time on What Matters

    “Your life—who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love—is the sum of what you focus on.” Winifred Gallagher Many of us work hard everyday, but we are often unaware of what our time went. Did I spend time on the things that matter? Did I move an inch in a hundred…

  • Retreat at Big Sur (2022)

    A friendly monk is attending the reception when I walk in. He is warm, welcoming and smiling. His presence makes me comfortable. I tell him my name. “Welcome — I was just drawing a map for you in case you get here late!” he says. I resisted. The idea of going on a retreat occurred…

  • The Bigger the Change, the Smaller You Start

    Whenever we desire to make a change in our life, we often overcomplicate how to get started. Say you have grown restless with your current job. You enjoy baking. A voice in your head tells you to make cookies and share with the world. Yet, you are not so sure. Should you leave your job…

  • A Simple 3-Minute Workout

    A challenge I have during weekdays is finding time to exercise. I used to have a gym membership before covid, but even then I didn’t go consistently. I preferred to do group classes, so I had to look up class schedules, make plans around it, get changed, pack my gym bag, and drive to the…

  • Why My Dog Had a Credit Card

    My dad decided to replace me a few months before I left for America. When he came across an online listing for someone to adopt a 2-year-old white Pekingese, we drove to a sleepy part of my hometown to check it out. We rang the doorbell and walked into the owner’s apartment. After a brief…