Lights of the World

Every day the world presents to us three kinds of lights.

The first kind is a flashing light that piques our interest. It comes and goes. Think the small pleasures of life: delicious food, new toys, and a relaxing vacation. This light brings us momentary happiness, but it is fleeting and short-lived. Before long, we go searching for more flashing lights.

The second kind is a dazzling limelight. Think the worldly temptations of money, power, success, status. The allure of control is tempting. We are all drawn by it, and some pursue this light as a life goal. This light is seductive, yet its intensity blinds us. It’s a light that promises the world, but always fades into darkness and leaves us disoriented.

The third kind of light is a steady, gentle light. Think a beam of light from a lighthouse, or twilight in the sky at dusk. This soft light brings you joy and peace. It’s never too bright, so you must quiet yourself to notice it. You may encounter it when you act kindly to others. Or when you pray. Or when you meditate. The more you pay attention, the brighter the light glows. This light enters into your eyes, and illuminates your body, mind, and soul. Then you realize this light is within you as well.

Which light do you choose to follow?