Do It for No One

Deep in your heart, you yearn for a revolution. This voice never shouts, but you know it’s there.

If you listen closely, a little voice within you is constantly calling you for a change: not to add anything new, but to shed the layers that have been put on you over the years.

What are those layers?

Perhaps a lifestyle that was once fun and thrilling but you realize it does not align with your values. Perhaps a goal that seemed vital to your happiness but it now feels trivial at best. Perhaps old assumptions about the world that you held onto so dearly for survival but now they serve you no longer.

You hear a call to transform, to do what was once unthinkable, and to rediscover who you truly are.

What’s this work you must do? What’s this life you must live?

But before we take even the very first step towards any change, a question from the devil paralyzes us: What will other people think?

  • I want to try this new project. But what if no one cares?
  • I want to produce what matters. But what if everyone laughs at me and thinks it’s a complete waste of time?
  • I want to stop doing the things I used to do. But how will people judge me?

All great questions. But how about this one?

What if you do it for no one?

What if you pursue this change simply because you are who you are? What if, for this once, you choose to accept this invitation from above with courage? What if you put aside people’s expectations for one second?

It doesn’t mean you have to go all in on something drastic without discerning what’s right for you. There are smart ways to approach a change. When you take a leap of faith, you can start small. Take a tiny step when no one is looking. Walk another step tomorrow, and then another the day after. Explore. Play. Create. But do something about it.

Leave behind a burden that you don’t need to take on. When you have no expectations, no effort can be a failure. When you free yourself from others’ judgement, disappointment is impossible.

The world doesn’t need another person preoccupied with pleasing others. The world needs you to be you—alive, engaged, and committed.

There are a millions reasons for you to not do something, but you only need one reason to do it.

Do it because you choose to accept the invite. Do it because you are ready to embrace this new path. Do it because you want to see what’s possible.

It’s okay to be scared, but be not afraid. It’s never as bad as you think.

Do it for no one.