Tag: Change

  • The Evolution of Work

    It’s hard to recall that, not too long ago, people used to work full-time operating an elevator, processing telegrams, and redirecting calls on a switchboard.  Looking at the last decade alone, the evolution of jobs has been dramatic. Video stores and theatres have closed with the rise of streaming services. Travel agencies have folded when…

  • Brick by Brick

    For 40 weeks now, I have sharing three interesting stories/ideas in my newsletter. I plan to keep it up. One challenge I consistently run into is that I don’t have the stories early enough in the week so the last couple of days becomes stressful. Sometimes my full-time job gets busy, and other things happens…

  • What Didn’t Change After A Decade

    This past week, I organized my room and came across a stack of old notes from a decade ago. It appeared I journaled for about three months before picking it up again six years later. I was taken aback by what I privately wrote, in Chinese, on August 23, 2014: A blank piece of paper.Don’t…

  • Disrupt a 20-year Pattern

    In the last 20 years, I started many projects. I had a dozen blogs with less than ten posts. I had a podcast in 2006 with five episodes on computer-related topics. I lost count of how many journals I had bought. These projects were nowhere to be found three months later (sometimes only two weeks).…

  • How to Spend More Time on What Matters

    “Your life—who you are, what you think, feel, and do, what you love—is the sum of what you focus on.” Winifred Gallagher Many of us work hard everyday, but we are often unaware of what our time went. Did I spend time on the things that matter? Did I move an inch in a hundred…

  • The Bigger the Change, the Smaller You Start

    Whenever we desire to make a change in our life, we often overcomplicate how to get started. Say you have grown restless with your current job. You enjoy baking. A voice in your head tells you to make cookies and share with the world. Yet, you are not so sure. Should you leave your job…