Tag: Winning
Karate Lessons
When I was a kid, I practiced karate for a few years. I focused on kata, basically a choreography of martial arts movements. Like most Japanese art forms, precision, control, and accuracy are key to a great kata performance. One year I participated in a kata competition. My body was tense that day. The moves were not smooth. I lost balance…
A while back I treated a friend to lunch. This week she treated me to dinner. Both meals cost about the same. On paper we are even: no monetary gain or loss. In reality both of us are better off. We had fun together. We each had an opportunity to give. We each accepted a…
When Winning Isn’t Winning
Pyrrhus of Epirus was an ambitious Greek king and a strong opponent against early Rome. In the Battle of Asculum in 279 BC, he triumphed against the Romans but destroyed most of his own forces. In Pyrrhus’s own words, it was “a victory that is not worth winning because so much is lost to achieve it…If…